Step out of the shower and into a new world with our face plant! A comforting and soothing blend of lavender, vanilla, soft musk and patchouli will brush your skin with the softness of pleasant dreams.
.5oz each, set of 3
To Use: Fill bowl or sink with very hot water. Drop in 1 toner tablet. Drape a towel over your head and bowl/silk. Allow the pore-opening steam to refresh and tone, with sea salt and calming lavender. Also works well for congestion!
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Pure Dead Sea Salt, Magnesium Sulfate, Sweet Almond Oil, Fragrance and/or Essential Oils, Lavender Buds
I just used one today. I was congested and it literally opened my sinuses up. It worked just as good as if I used my netti bottle. I will definitely pick up more when a new scent comes out.
I just used one today. I was congested and it literally opened my sinuses up. It worked just as good as if I used my netti bottle. I will definitely pick up more when a new scent comes out.
I just used one for the first time today.
I woke up with sinus congestion. Sneezing and blowing my nose every two minutes.
This doesn't happen often. When it does, I usually use my netti bottle.
I thought I would try one of these instead.
It was potent! I filled up my entire sink with hot water and dropped one of these in. Very medicinal smelling. I made sure to use a HUGE towel too!
My throat feeled cool when I breathed in through my mouth. My nose opened up too! My sneezing and runny nose was gone. Amazing!!!!!!
Dream of a Dream was my favorite winter scent. Love lavender! I was recently stricken with a cold and was so stuffed up I could barely breathe and my nose was beyond red and irritated from blowing it so I could try to breath. I remembered I had some of these and a beam me up scotty. I used one of these first thing in the morning and was amazed how it cleared me up. It relieved my sinus pressure which cleared up my headache. It didn't do much to sooth my nose but I wasn't blowing it every 5 minutes so I guess it helped lessen the irritation. I started to get stuffed up again before bed and used a beam me up scotty and I was good for bed. Love both of these products! I hope they bring back this facial toner in this scent. It is amazing!
So I didn't use enough water and got hit with a crazy powerful scent. Drown this sucker.
Otherwise, fabulous product. It was wonderful once I used it properly and face didn't break out.